July 2, 2024

Sertifikat Akreditasi PS Magister Biokimia 2024_Unggul
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Accreditation assessment stands as the bedrock upon which the credibility and quality of a university/department/study program are established. its serves as ensuring a university/department/study program stays true to its mission and values. In the realm of higher education, accreditation is more than a mere badge of honor; it signifies adherence to strict standards set by accrediting bodies recognized nationally or internationally. These standards encompass a wide array of criteria, from faculty qualifications and academic programs to governance structures and student support services.

The biochemistry master’s study program has carried out an accreditation assessment process on Wednesday-Friday, 19-21 June 2024. The accreditation assessment process was carried out by LAMSAMA (Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal/Indonesian Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Natural and Formal Sciences). LAMSAMA is an Independent Accreditation Institution that guarantees the quality of study programs that provide higher education in the fields of Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences. The implementation of the accreditation assessment for this biochemistry master’s study program also involved Prof. Dr. Sri Puji Astuti Wahyuningsih, M.Si. (Professor in Biology, Airlangga University) and Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Nuryono, MS (Professor in Chemistry, Gajah Mada University) as assessor.  Thanks to Prof. Dr. Sri Puji Astuti Wahyuningsih, M.Sc. and Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Nuryono, MS for his dedication in the accreditation process. The accreditation assessment was also attended by Prof. drh. Deni Noviana, PhD, DAiCVIM (Vice Chancellor for Education and Student Affairs), Dr. Berry Juliandi, S.Si., M.Sc. (Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences), Dr. Akhmad Faqih, S.Si (Deputy Academic Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences), Prof. Dr. Sugeng Heri Suseno, S.Pi., M.Sc. (Directorate of Research and Innovation), Dr. Handian Purwawangsa, S.Hut (Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development), and Dr. Ir. I Wayan Nurjaya, M.Sc (Head of Quality Management Office), as well as alumni and users. Thank you to all parties who have been involved in this accreditation process.

LAMSAMA’s accreditation criteria are very clear, consisting of vision, mission, goals/targets; civil service, governance and cooperation; student; human Resources; finance, facilities and infrastructure; education; study; community service; the outcomes and achievements of the tridharma.

Achieving accreditation is a monumental milestone in the journey of any academic institution, signifying recognition of its academic excellence, rigorous standards, and commitment to continuous improvement. As the culmination of years of dedication and hard work by faculty, department, study program, staff, and administrators, the accreditation process validates the institution’s ability to meet predefined benchmarks set by accrediting bodies.

In the halls of academia, the journey towards accreditation begins with a comprehensive self-assessment, where the university evaluates every aspect of its operations—from academic programs to student support services, faculty qualifications, infrastructure, and financial stability. This introspective process not only identifies areas of strength but also pinpoints areas needing enhancement. There are several things that need to be improved by the Biochemistry Master’s Study Program based on the results of the accreditation assessment, including 1) increasing promotion of the study program to increase the attractiveness of prospective students, 2) optimizing activities outside of lectures to create an innovative, creative and productive academic atmosphere, as well as 3) developing the quantity and the quality of human resources, especially lecturers.

For the university community, achieving accreditation represents a validation of their collective efforts. It solidifies the institution’s reputation, enhancing its ability to attract talented students, distinguished faculty, and impactful research partnerships. Moreover, accreditation fosters a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging ongoing assessment and adaptation to meet evolving educational needs and societal demands.

Congratulations to the Biochemistry Master’s Study Program for achieving a superior ranking in LAMSAMA accreditation. This achievement has had many positive impacts, including increasing prospective students and scholarship opportunities as well as cooperation both nationally and internationally. Hopefully the Biochemistry Master’s Study Program can continue to play an active role in producing intelligent generations to develop Indonesia through the field of education.