Module Description

Handbook of Biochemistry
Handbook of Biochemistry ViewDownload
RPS Mata Kuliah S1 Biokimia (Kurikulum 2014) ViewDownload
RPS Mata Kuliah S1 Biokimia (Kurikulum 2020) ViewDownload

Curriculum Structure
No Courses Credits Prerequisite Semester
Code Name Odd Complete
General Competency Education Courses
1 IPB111 Pancasila Education 2(1-2) 1
2 IPB107 Introduction to Agricultural Sciences 2(2-0) 1
3 IPB108 English 3(2-2) 1
4 IPB112 Sports and Arts 1(0-3) 1
5 MAT100 Introduction to Mathematics 3(2-2) 1
6 AGB100 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 1(1-0) 1
7 KPM130 General Sociology 3(2-2) 1
8 KIM102 Basic Chemistry I 3(2-2) 1
9 IPB1000 Religion 3(2-2) 2
10 IPB106 English 2(1-2) 2
11 EKO100 General Economics 3(2-2) 2
12 BIO100 Basic Biology 3(2-3) 2
13 FIS100 Physics 3(2-3) 2
14 MAT103 Calculus 3(2-2) 2
15 KIM103 Basic Chemistry II 3(2-3) 2
Sub Total Credits 38
Interdepartmental Courses
1 BIO210 Fundamental of Microbiology 3(2-3) 3
2 KOM201 Computer Application 3(2-2) 3
3 STK211 Statistics 3(2-2) 3
4 KIM220 Organic Chemistry 3(2-3) 3
5 KIM230 Analytical Chemistry 3(2-3) 3
Sub Total Credits 15
Major Courses
1 BIK204 Fundamental of Biochemistry 3(2-1) 3
2 BIK230 Basic Technique & Safety of Biochemistry Laboratory 3(2-2) 3
3 BIK202 Biomolecules 3(2-2) 4
4 BIK210 Physical Biochemistry 3(2-3) 4
5 BIK203 Cellular Biochemistry 2(2-0) 4
6 BIK240 Plant Biochemistry 2(2-0) 4
7 BIK241 Microbial Biochemistry 2(2-0) 4
8 BIK220 Genetics & Molecular Biology 3(3-0) 4
9 BIK311 Bioenergetics 3(3-0) 5
10 BIK321 Enzymology 3(2-3) BIK202 5
11 BIK342 Agricultural and Environmental Biochemistry 3(2-3) BIK240/
12 BIK312 Metabolism 3(3-0) BIK202 5
13 BIK331 Techniques of Biochemical Analysis 3(2-3) 5
14 BIK304 Scientific Writing Techniques 3(2-2) 5
15 BIK343 Nutritional Biochemistry 2(2-0) BIK202 6
16 BIK344 Industrial Biochemistry 3(2-3) 6
17 BIK313 Integration and Regulation of Metabolism 3(3-0) BIK312 6
18 BIK350 Medical Biochemistry 2(2-0) 7
19 BIK351 Toxicological Biochemistry 2(2-0) 6
20 BIK322 Nucleic Acid and Protein Engineering 3(2-3) BIK220 6
21 BIK333 Immunochemistry 2(2-0) 6
22 BIK452 Clinical Biochemistry 3(2-3) 6
23 BIK405 Introduction to Biochemical Research 3(2-3) STK211/
24 BIK422 Biosignal 2(2-0) 7
25 FMP400 Bioinformatics 3(2-3) BIK220/
26 BIK406 Field Practice 3 7
27 BIK407 Colloquium 1 7
28 BIK408 Seminar 1 8
29 BIK409 Undergraduate Thesis 6 8
Sub Total Credits 78
Minor: Biochemistry
No Courses Credits Prerequisite Semester
Code Name Odd Complete
1 BIK204 Basic Biochemistry 3(2-3) 3
2 BIK202 Biomolecules 3(2-3) 4
3 BIK311 Bioenergetics 3(3-0) 5
4 BIK312 Metabolism 3(3-0) BIK202 5
5 BIK220 Genetics & Molecular Biology 3(3-0) 4
6 BIK321 Enzymology 3(2-3) BIK202 5
Course Description

This course explains biochemistry’s general theories, including cellular processes, chemistry, and physics; core chemistry; skilled in water, acids, bases, and buffers; colloidal systems; aspects of organic chemistry; chemical equilibrium and catalysis; and solubility. As well as being able to plan and carry out laboratory work.
Dr. Waras Nurcholis, S.Si, M.Si (Coord), Dr. Dra. Laksmi Ambarsari, MS

This course explains and describes the structure and function of carbohydrate biomolecules, lipids, amino acids and proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins and minerals, and other related functions in biochemistry. In addition, students have laboratory skills in identifying and analyzing qualitatively and quantitatively carbohydrate molecules, lipids, amino acids and proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
Dr. Dra. Laksmi Ambarsari, MS. (Coord), Ir. Djarot Sasongko Hami Seno, M.S. Ph.D., Puspa Julistia Puspita, S.Si., M.Sc.

This course discusses the basic concepts and principles of physical biochemistry, including (1) the relevance of theoretical concepts to bioscience; (2) the origin of various formulas/equations in physical biochemistry; (3) the link between theory and experiment; and (4) the application of simple but realistic calculations.
Prof. Dr. drh. Maria Bintang, M.S. (Coord), Dr. Dimas Andrianto, SSi, MSi

This course studies primary and general techniques in the Biochemistry Laboratory, including chemistry and biology; preparing laboratory records and conducting accurate laboratory observations as well as recorded in laboratory work data correct analysis and interpretation of laboratory work data; techniques for making reports on the results of laboratory work in the written form correctly; general laboratory safety, biosafety, biosecurity, and biochemical safety practices.
Dr. Ir. I Made Artika, M.App.Sc (Coord), Ukhradiya Magharaniq Safira Purwanto, S.Si., M.Si

This course explains the general theories underlying Cellular Biochemistry: (1) ultrastructure and cell organization; (2) techniques in studying the structure and function of cells (3) the structure and organization of the plasma membrane; (4) the structure and organization of the cell nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, peroxisomes, mitochondria, chloroplasts, cell skeleton, cell junction, cell attachment, extracellular matrix; (5) cellular mechanisms of apoptosis and cancer.
Dr. Ir. I Made Artika, M.App.Sc (Coord), Dr. Mega Safithri, S.Si, M.Si

This course studies the principles and concepts of biochemistry in the process of plant photosynthesis and its relationship with humans and their environment, the principles of biochemistry in the process of plant growth and development, the importance of plant hormones and secondary metabolites to the growth and development of plants and also their functions in nutrition and human health, the potential application of some plants in medical including their safety in improving health services, explained Basic concepts and principles of biochemistry with growth regulators and herbicides.
Dr. Waras Nurcholis, S.Si, M.Si (Coord), Ir. Djarot Sasongko Hami Seno, M.S. Ph.D., Puspa Julistia Puspita, S.Si., M.Sc.

This course explains, identifies, and analyzes molecules’ role, metabolism, and regulation on morphological types, nutrition, physiological mechanisms, and molecular biology in microorganisms and their applications.
Dr. Ir. Akhmad Endang Zainal Hasan, MS. (Coord), Dr. Ir. I Made Artika, M.App.Sc

This course explains replication and transcription in eukaryotes and prokaryotes systems, operon principles, protein synthesis, post-translational modification, protein purification, and macromolecular synthesis. Studying proteins includes the evolution of biochemical structures and activities, plasma proteins and blood clotting, biological membranes and transport membranes, regulation of enzymes and their mechanisms, metabolite disease, and biochemical assessment.
Dr. Suryani, S.P, M.Sc (Coord), Puspa Julistia Puspita, S.Si., M.Sc.

This course discusses basic concepts and principles in cellular energy transformation systems and their utilization by organisms in life processes by studying the laws of thermodynamics I and II, high-energy chemical compounds, metabolic bioenergy, bioenergy flow in nature, photosynthesis, respiration, muscle contraction and motion, translocation through cell membranes, cellular ATP, phosphate bonds and free energy generated ATP, cellular ATP biosynthesis.
Prof. Dr. drh. Maria Bintang, M.S. (Coord), Ir. Djarot Sasongko Hami Seno, M.S. Ph.D.

Prerequisite: BIK202
This course explains enzymes, mechanisms, kinetics, thermodynamics, and enzyme applications, as well as how to isolate and purify enzymes. Students can plan effective and safe laboratory experiments and develop an effective group work plan for carrying out isolation, purification, and characterization of enzymes (influence of pH, temperature, substrate), as well as enzyme kinetics (Km and Vmax). Students can interpret the data and information obtained.
Dr. Dra. Laksmi Ambarsari, MS (Coord), Dr. Suryani, S.P, M.Sc

Prerequisite: BIK240/BIK241
This course explains the biochemical and genetic mechanisms of biosignal processes between plants and soil microbes; Demonstrates the role of biofertilizers and biopesticides as essential tools in achieving future food security for sustainable agriculture; Demonstrates environmentally friendly engineering skills to control pollution and waste management.
Dr. drh. Hasim, DEA (Coord), Dr. Waras Nurcholis, S.Si, M.Si, Dr. Ir. Akhmad Endang Zainal Hasan, MS

Prerequisite: BIK312
This course discusses the general concepts and principles of metabolism and the metabolic pathway processes of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleotides in detail.
Dr. drh. Hasim, DEA (Coord), drh. Sulistiyani, M.Sc, Ph.D

This course explains various sample preparation techniques for biochemical and biomolecular analysis, the principle of centrifugation and subcellular fractionation, and analyzes data on the results of subcellular centrifugation and fractionation, the principles and basics of technology. Luminescence, chemoluminescence, luciferation, protein fluorescence, principles and concepts of DNA sequencing techniques and analyzing data and information from DNA sequencing results, basic principles and concepts of electrophoresis techniques and analyzing electrophoresis result data and information, principles the basis of chromatography techniques and their application in the bioanalysis of macromolecular compounds.
Dr. Syamsul Falah, S.Hut, M.Si (Coord), Dr. Dimas Andrianto, SSi, MSi

This course explains how to make scientific writing and oral presentation techniques.
drh. Sulistiyani, M.Sc, Ph.D (Coord), Dr. Syamsul Falah, S.Hut, M.Si, Ukhradiya Magharaniq Safira Purwanto, S.Si., M.Si

Prerequisite: BIK202
This course explains, identifies, and analyzes the role of nutritional components, including metabolic, physiological, and biochemical functions and their implications for the onset of disease, and can explain the adequacy of the intake of dietary substances in the human life cycle.
Dr. Mega Safithri, S.Si, M.Si. (Coord), dr. Husnawati, M.Si

This course explains the main factors in industrial biotechnology (bioindustry), strategic steps in designing or overcoming problems related to substrate development (carbon and nitrogen); process development (fermentation); development of product insulation; development of microbial strains in bioindustry, and the application of recombinant DNA technology in the elimination of microbial strains used in bioindustry.
Dr. Suryani, S.P, M.Sc (Coord), Ukhradiya Magharaniq Safira Purwanto, S.Si., M.Si

Prerequisite: BIK312
This course discusses concepts in various metabolic trajectories and their regulations to solve problems/phenomena that arise in actual/daily life events in society, communicate effectively and work together in multidisciplinary teams, think critically, creatively, and innovative; also has the intellectual ability to solve problems on an individual and group level.
drh. Sulistiyani, M.Sc, Ph.D (Coord), Dr. drh. Hasim, DEA

This course discusses applying concepts in Medical Biochemistry to solve problems/phenomena that arise in society, communicate effectively and work together in multidisciplinary teams, think critically, creatively, and innovatively, and have intellectual abilities to solve problems on individual and group levels.
drh. Sulistiyani, M.Sc, Ph.D (Coord), dr. Husnawati, M.Si

This course studies the classification of toxic compounds in the environment and specific examples; routes of exposure to toxins; explain the processes of absorbing, metabolizing, and eliminating toxic compounds; explains environmental and physiological factors affecting the metabolism of toxic compounds.
Dr. drh. Hasim, DEA (Coord), Dr. Syamsul Falah, S.Hut, M.Si

Prerequisite: BIK220
This course teaches the basic principles of instrumentation and techniques used in the fields of biochemistry and biomolecular.
Dr. Ir. I Made Artika, M.App.Sc (Coord), Ir. Djarot Sasongko Hami Seno, M.S. Ph.D., Puspa Julistia Puspita, S.Si., M.Sc

This course studies the application of concepts in the body’s immune response process and the use of immunochemical techniques to solve problems/phenomena that arise in biochemical research, communicate effectively and work together in teams with multidisciplinary, critical, creative, and innovative thinking, and have the intellectual ability to solve problems at an individual and group level.
dr. Husnawati, M.Si. (Coord), Ukhradiya Magharaniq Safira Purwanto, S.Si., M.Si

This course studies the application of the basics of physiological chemistry, especially those concerning body fluids and the functions of the essential body organs and their relation to the diagnosis of body health disorders in general. As well as the use of clinical diagnostic techniques to solve problems/phenomena that arise in biochemical and real-life research, communicate effectively and work together in multidisciplinary teams, think critically, creatively, and innovative, as well as having the intellectual ability to solve problems at an individual and group level.
drh. Sulistiyani, M.Sc, Ph.D (Coord), Ukhradiya Magharaniq Safira Purwanto, S.Si., M.Si., dr. Husnawati, M.Si

Prerequisite: STK211, BIK331, BIK230
This course collects, records, and analyzes scientific data using appropriate methodologies; Conduct self-directed research mini-projects according to interests by actively interacting in a research laboratory; Conduct a comprehensive search of the literature in support of general concepts and specific backgrounds to explain the importance of the research project being carried out; Formulate questions or hypotheticals to be tested in research projects; Communicate the results of research projects clearly, concisely and in simple scientific forums; Discussing, interpreting and evaluating one’s research succinctly and correctly in a scientific report in style appropriate to the field of study.
drh. Sulistiyani, M.Sc, Ph.D (Coord), Dr. Syamsul Falah, S.Hut, M.Si, Dr. Mega Safithri, S.Si, M.Si, dr. Husnawati, M.Si., Puspa Julistia Puspita, Ukhradiya Magharaniq Safira Purwanto, S.Si., M.Si

This course explains biosignals’ concepts and general principles, including signal types, ligands, receptors, and others. Describes various biosignals (chemicals, light, pressure, temperature, etc.) that affect organisms’ processes and/or behavior. Identifying similarities and differences in multiple kinds of biosignal processes in biological systems, Identifying the types/types of biosignals that produce responses in biological systems.
Ir. Djarot Sasongko Hami Seno, M.S. Ph.D. (Coord), Prof. Dr. drh. Maria Bintang, M.S.

Prerequisite: BIK220, KOM201
This course explains the basic principles and applies Bioinformatics techniques and tools in genome analysis, proteins, genetic evolution, and determination of the structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins and can predict the nature or characteristics of nucleic acids and proteins based on the existing database.
Wisnu Ananta Kusuma (Coord), Dr. Ir. I Made Artika, M.App.Sc , Dr. Dra. Laksmi Ambarsari, MS

This activity is carried out in research institutions, universities, or private companies to develop student abilities and aims to broaden students’ horizons regarding their scientific professions. Students can take this course after the number of credits is 110 credits.
Puspa Julistia Puspita, S.Si., M.Sc

Students are required to make a research proposal for their final project and present it in front of the supervisor and all students who are ready to do research. Students can take this course after the number of credits is 110 credits.
Puspa Julistia Puspita, S.Si., M.Sc

Students are required to attend student seminars at least eight times and lecturer seminars organized by the Department of Biochemistry at least two times. As a provision for students to present their research results in their seminars. Students are required to explain the research results and get feedback from discussions on improving scientific work.
Lecturer Team

Students conduct research and write research results under the guidance of a supervisory committee, which consists of a maximum of 3 (three) supervisors appointed by the Head of the Department of Biochemistry. The student presented and defended his research papers before the commission hearing.
Lecturer Team