Tab Pendaftaran


Vision of Bachelor’s Degree Program

Become an excellent higher education institution in biochemistry education and research that can contribute to the development of science and technology at the national and international levels

Mission of Bachelor’s Degree Program

  1. Organizing education and teaching in the field of biochemistry as a basic science for the fields of agriculture, health, environment, and industry to produce excellent biochemistry graduates who meet the needs of society and the development of biochemistry and can compete at the national and international levels
  2. Carry out research and development activities in the field of biochemistry to support the development of science and technology that can contribute to society in the fields of agriculture, health, bioindustry, and the environment
  3. Organizing community service activities to increase productivity and added value to the community through the use of biochemistry
  4. Supporting the implementation of educational, research, and community service activities through strengthening cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions